Thursday, January 17, 2008

Almost Friday

The week is nearly at an end. I've got the books almost done at work, might even finish it up tomorrow - three business days early, might I add. Yea for me! Tomorrow is payroll so I'll be busy for at least the first hour and a half of the day. The boss has someone coming in for an interview in the morning - we're not even hiring right now, so that should be interesting. I think I'm going to call it a day at noon and try to get some personal business wrapped up before the weekend.

We took the Jimmy into the mechanic today. He says it will be done by tomorrow afternoon. The darn thing needs a new fuel pump and on this vehicle it's in the fuel tank. I guess that makes the job harder. When the Jimmy is fixed we'll leave my car with him (well, not until next week) to replace the bearings on the front tires. I'm starting to worry that the wheels will fall of or something else drastic - and since I'm not supposed to be worrying, I'd just rather get it fixed while we can still afford it. With the Jimmy fixed, we'll be a two car family again by the weekend... which will make Jake very happy.

Jake brought his academic record home tonight and we've discovered he needs only 11 more credits to graduate. He could graduate in the middle of his senior year - one catch though - he doesn't have the required classes for a Division I college. He'll have to work in another year of math, English, natural science and physical science during his senior year. Ouch. He'll do it though. He wants it bad enough. He's talking now about law enforcement so that means college then the academy. He's talked about fire sciences as well. It's okay though, he's got some time to figure it out.


  1. Well I can tell Christopher right now that physical science is B-O-R-I-N-G! I do not like it at all!
    I hope you do get your car fixed. We are a two-vehicle family. It would be very difficult to go down to one especially after we’ve had two since we’ve been married. Good luck with that!

  2. I will tell him. He meets with the counselor on the 30th and I'd love to be there... maybe I'll arrange that!

    Thanks for the "car wishes" - The Jimmy is done but my car isn't repaired yet; we'll get there.


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