Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lighter Notes

I don't normally watch television - not because I'm morally opposed or anything, I just have other things to do and my attention span leaves much to be desired. If I can't pause it, I'm likely to miss half of the show, and we don't have a DVR. Anyway, there was a show on tonight called Reaper. It's the first time I'd ever seen it and I'm pretty sure it was the first episode. I really liked it. It's a little uncomfortable in the fact that the main character is in the service of the Devil, but he doesn't have a choice and he's a truly good person - or that's what I gathered from what I saw. Maybe I'll see it again next week.

At about six o'clock tonight I told the hubby I wanted to watch Medium. I'd seen an ad for the episode and wanted to see it. He told me it was on last night. This is part of the reason I don't watch much television. I just can't seem to catch the shows I want to watch.

Yesterday afternoon I went over to the university with the hubby so he could buy his books and so we'd have some time together. He spent a little over $400 yesterday and he needs one more book that's $120. Yeesh! Afterwards we had lunch, stopped to drop off our Netflix at the Post Office and I had the brilliant idea to stop at Goodwill to look at their videos. I found Die Hard for 99 cents and the hubby got Highlander for $1.99. I love the thrift store videos and I refuse to get rid of my VCR.

At bedtime I like to watch old episodes of Home Improvement or videos. I've tried to change my late night viewing habits so that the hubby does not break my Tremors tape. I have watched One Fine Day, Christmas Vacation and The Princess Bride. I think tonight's choice will be One Fine Day. Watching extremely familiar movies at bedtime allows me to close my eyes and picture the movie while keeping my mind occupied.

So I'll go into my bedroom, make my bed (because my feather bed just won't stay put), and put on the movie while I use body butter on my feet so they'll soften overnight. Sorry if that was TMI. :-) Then I'll have to send Lindsay to bed where, hopefully, she'll stay all night. She's missed her bedtime tonight and has been watching TV in my bed. She'll say she's not feeling well. She'll whine to sleep in my bed. She'll make me feel guilty for not letting her. In the end, she'll be down the hall and I'll sleep better - so will she.

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