Saturday, January 12, 2008

Lazy Movie Day

Today was a lazy day. I watched Stranger than Fiction; it's a pretty good movie, I'm sorry I didn't watch it when it came out. I also watched Signs and Maverick on TV this morning, Tremors and Mission to Mars this afternoon.

The boys were gone all day - Jake left by 11 to have his movie marathon with the girlfriend, and Matt spent the night at a friends, checked in by phone at 10 AM - a requirement for my kids when the spend the night elsewhere - and never came home. He called a little while ago and asked if he could spend the night again. I took pity on the mother of the friend and said, "No." Lindsay watched movies with me and now has a friend over. They are playing Guitar Hero on the playstation in the boys room and he stayed for dinner. We had riblets, mashed potatoes and corn. I think that's a kid-friendly meal, don't you? Jake called and said he was going to Culvers with the girlfriend and then back to her house to watch "...just one more movie." He probably won't make it home until 10 tonight. He doesn't have a set curfew, we prefer that he keep us informed of his activities and he's managed to make it home by 11 PM on weekends and 9 PM on weekdays. I think this has instilled a certain level of responsibility in him that telling him when to be home would not. We kept him on a short leash for most of his life but he'll be 18 in September and I'd like him to have these qualities developed - as well as his morals. He's a good kid and he tries to be a role model. Let me explain that - he'll be at a friend's house and they'll backtalk to their parents - he will tell the friend, and the mom or dad, how that behavior is not acceptable and how he'd be grounded for doing that. Honest! I've had parents tell me this. Matt has been known to do this too. And, NO - they are not an Eddie Haskell type - he just knows what is right and what is not.

I should have been doing laundry all day but I told myself that since my neck and back still hurt from the stress of the week, I could have a day off. I did pick up the credenza and entry by the office, throwing a bunch of computer parts away or onto the hubby's desk. I figure if I can get some picked up every day, I'll be happier. If I got the laundry done I'd be happier too, but I've been trying to do that for years.

I talked to my grandmother tonight. She lives in Greeley; my aunt moved to Colorado about a year ago to live with her so she's not alone. My grandfather died about six years ago and it was hard for her to be alone for the first time in 65 years. Anyway, I wanted to let her know that my mom had reserved a picnic area at Lake Loveland for our family reunion this summer. We talk about once a week and the conversation is light - how the kids are doing, news from the family in Denver - about everything and nothing.

Matt finally got home around 9:30 with the order form for Girl Scout Cookies! (his best friend's sister is a Girl Scout.) Since they only come out once a year, we place a big order and stick them in the freezer. In November when we replaced our refrigerator, we also bought a five cubic foot freezer so we have plenty of extra space. We like the Thin Mints (who doesn't), Trefoils, Tagalongs... well, we like all but the Samoas - nobody in my house likes coconut. So be aware - the Girl Scouts are coming to your neighborhood armed with order forms - if you don't order now, you'll be out of luck (unless they sell in front of your local grocery store).

I've run off at the mouth enough for today. Time to pick another movie and head to bed. Shhhh - don't tell the hubby. At two o'clock in the morning I still couldn't get to sleep so I put Tremors in the VCR. I didn't make it five minutes into the movie before I was asleep. I love that movie - it's just what I need in the middle of the night.


  1. My favorite Girl Scout cookie is the Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookie. Hmmm.
    So do you watch movies in bed at night while Shawn is asleep next to you or do you go into another room?

  2. My favorite Girl Scout cookie is the Thin Mint - frozen.

    I watch the movies in bed. Shawn could sleep through a train wreck - as long as I don't bump him or move the bed too much, he'll stay asleep.


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