Thursday, March 1, 2012


Today is a day filled with pain and discomfort.  My back, neck, hips and head all hurt.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me.  I’ve been getting more sleep – last night I was in bed just after 9 o’clock and asleep before 10.  I can’t wait to get home and curl up in pajamas.  But first, I have to wait until 4 so I can leave work, then I have to run to Lindsay’s school to see her participate in the Solo and Ensemble contest.  I think that only lasts 20 minutes to half an hour.  And the good news is that it’s after school at her school, not Saturday morning at a school across town, the way it was when the boys were in junior high.

Rob has darts tonight and there’s a pizza leftover in the ‘fridge so my evening is all set.  The only thing that could make it more perfect would be if I wasn’t hurting so much. I suppose it would help if I’d take something for it…  okay, two Aleve and half a muscle relaxant.  Crossing my fingers it helps me get through the rest of the afternoon.