Thursday, August 21, 2008

Can You Say Torture?

Yeah, it was that bad and I hated every second. But I'll try to do it again tomorrow.

I went a mile. No, I didn't run it all. I managed to actually run for about a quarter of it, at most. My calf - just one - burned, and when I got home, that ankle was swollen. Go figure. I did worse than I'd hoped but I'll work on it.

My boys were impressed though. They couldn't believe that I'd actually gotten out there on my own. They asked why, and I told them that if I could lose 20 pounds in a year watching what I eat, maybe I could lose twice that if I ran. They offered suggestions: stretch well before running (they were amazed when I showed them that I could touch my toes, they said I couldn't, so I showed them - schmucks) and speed walk the first half mile. They were encouraging.

Then, a few hours later, I managed to roll my ankle - snaps and pops were involved. Not the one that was swollen, the other one. I'm amazing. So if both my ankles are better tomorrow afternoon, I'll stretch, speed walk for half a mile, and try to run most of the last half.

Wish me luck as I torture myself.


  1. I have always heard that running is hard on a woman's bladder, but I don't know if that is true or not. You should do whatever you want. As long as you are moving, that's fantastic :)

  2. Wow, I thought you were kidding but you weren't and you did it! So cool! Good luck on deciding whatever works for not making your ankle swell.


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