Monday, March 31, 2008

My Book

Speaking of my new book... the hubby picked it up at Barnes and Noble yesterday, kind of as a joke, and I bought it because it seemed like a great deal. Still does.. 10 books for $23! It's called The Great Book of Amber The Complete Amber Chronicles, 1-10. I read the first Amber novel, Nine Princes in Amber, when I was 16. I love these books but haven't read them in a long time - I've mentioned them before. Anyway, this is a rather thick (2 1/2") paperback that has 1258 pages in it and I plan to finish it by the middle of May, or by the time my first summer class starts.
The picture on the right is a first try... Did I ever tell you that the cats think that if you get down on the floor, or put something there, that their presence is required? Well, they ALL had to come see what I was doing. First Gandalf came and stepped on the book and sniffed my nose as if to say, "And you're not petting me? Why not?", then Ginger came, about two feet away and wondered why I was acting so strange. Finally Izzy (Isabelle) got in the action (because Gandalf left) and sat her big butt firmly on the book wondering why I was not spoiling her. That is Izzy's head in the picture on the right.
So now you know what I'm reading. I should also be reading Practical Ethics in Public Administration, Criminology Today, and Intimate Relationships but somehow they are just not as fun!


  1. I kept thinking, "What is that?" until you said it was a cat ... then I had that AAAAHHHH moment!

  2. Amber? I'm pretty sure I read a whole series of Amber books couple years ago. Estranged family members trying to kill one another in sci-fi/fantasy worlds? Would that be it? I always thought I was like the only person ever to read them.

  3. Yep, those would be the same books! I thought they were great - hopefully they still are.


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