Monday, March 10, 2008

Blogging Addiction?

I don't know why I do it. I have things to do, textbooks to read, papers to write, posts to make (in my online class, alas not here), laundry, a birthday dinner to cook, and work to prepare for in the morning and I still manage to get glued to some new blog. I become obsessed. I read a couple of current entries and decide that I must know everything that has happened in their lives since they began their blog. It doesn't matter if it started in 2004, I'm going to read every post and then I am going to check their blog every day for the current news in their lives - like I don't have enough going on in mine? Yeesh!

I need to start a blog roll, or whatever they're called. Forgive me for still being a newbie to all of this, this wonderful world of blogging. I read this, and this, and this, among others. I'm obsessed, I tell you! The newest blog is really quite interesting. I think I liked her right off because for a time she lived only an hours drive from me. She spoke of the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, Colorado and I'd actually been there. She also has some personal interests that I can relate to - and for a minute my husband and I could have sworn we'd met her (in relation to those interests). See? Obsessed! Anyway, I haven't caught up on her blog but she is a strong woman with drive trying very hard to be a mother, dishwasher, laundress, cook, tutor, playmate, on top of figuring out how to pay the bills......... and she seems to do it with flair. Very much like the other blogs I read.

To get to my point, and I do have one - these are amazing blogs, you should check them out!


  1. I will try to get around to reading these other blogs. Thanks for the plug :)

  2. You bet - and when I actually do start a blog roll, you'll be the first. :)

  3. Squeeeee!

    I'm totally honored! Yay!


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