Friday, March 7, 2008

Oh, what busy lives we lead...

I've been totally preoccupied with life. Two of my classes started on Monday and since they're online and accelerated, I've got 30 hours of homework to deal with. I've done rather well so far. I've posted on time, found it much easier to enter discussions without feeling like I'm a moron making idiotic comments. I've actually sounded semi-smart!

Between now and Sunday night I have two papers to write. One is only one and a half to two pages and the other is three pages. Hallelujah. I'm used to having the requirement be five pages for weekly papers. I've got a pretty good idea about what I'm going to write and I'm going to use class discussions to add to it since they've been interesting.

In my life-outside-the-computer we've been busy too. Jake got his first vehicle on Wednesday night. I'm normally an overprotective parent so his having a car scares the sense right out of me. It's a 1983 Chevy C10 Pickup - it's OLD. What's scary is that I didn't even have a license - I was a preteen - when this thing was built! It seems to run fairly well and even though it's four different colors (rust is a color) C is extremely proud of it - and of himself. We went to get temporary tags yesterday and last night he was out there scrubbing out the interior and sweeping out the back. If I'd let him hook up the hose and turn on the water (it's still pretty cold here folks), he would have given it a bath.

A had a program at school last night. It was called "It's Saturday!" This was probably the most fun I've had at an elementary school program in years. The hour passed quickly and I wasn't sorry I'd gone. It helped that Jake had taken her to the school early and saved me a seat.

Matt is going snowboarding at A-Basin tomorrow on the final trip his school is sponsoring this season. He's got to be in the school parking lot by 5:45 AM! Last time we did this I came home and slept until 9:30 or something crazy like that. This time though, we're going to buy the snacks and sodas tonight rather than waiting until morning to stop at a gas station and buy them. That should make it less painful.

Tomorrow the hubby is having a calculus study session here with a friend of his. That should make the house nice and tense. I suppose I'll spend my day doing laundry, watching videos, and... Oh, yeah - writing two papers! There's that procrastinator that lives inside of me.

On the Lovely Lady Parts subject, I went to see my doctor and would you believe...? I let her put me back on the NuvaRing. Apparently, the endometrium is still healing and during that process it still produces prostaglandins which iritate my system causing pain and cramping - the solution... wait it out, use ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, or hormones until the lining is healed - about a year from surgery. My doctor thinks that I will be fine then and that we can re-evaluate then and I'll probably be fine. Although, she did admit that I could have undiagnosed endometrosis or adenomeyosis - something she'd flatly denied before I had the surgery, except she won't schedule a laproscopy until next year. Nice. In the end, she says she won't consider a hysterectomy. I'm thinking about getting a second opinion.

Now that I'm back on the NuvaRing I have headaches, cramps and pain - this is different from before how? Oh, yeah - the headaches I had before weren't as bad. That's right. Hopefully those side effects calm down soon. The other reason I didn't want to go on the NuvaRing was the price; she shut me down on that one by offering to give them to me as long as I need them. That's a plus because we tried to get the insurance company to reduce the cost based on medical necessity and they flatly refused saying my plan didn't allow for a drug price reduction. Nice of them to tell me that when I called (totally sarcastic here). The were all nice when I talked to them and told me to have my doctor call and they would set it up - the doctor called and they said "NO." I think they just wanted to make her the bad guy since she had to call me up and tell me.

1 comment:

  1. I am taking two classes, but I cannot imagine taking accelerated classes. You are brave!

    It will be good for Christopher to have a vehicle as long as you keep him in check. When Andrew got his first car, he was dating a girl who lived on the next street over. Really; he had only to walk around the corner to get to her house. Anyway, he wanted to DRIVE over there. We did let him at first, but then told him it was just silly since gas cost so much!

    In regards to the Lovely Lady Parts subject; I would really get a second opinion. Not knowing your doctor and going by what you have said; it sounds like she does not consider your feelings and the side effects this NuvaRing brings on you. You know, it’s not hurting her. When your head is hurting, it is trying to tell you something.


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