Saturday, March 29, 2008

First Soccer Game - Ever

Lindsay's first soccer game is today and she is playing goalie for half the game. She's wanted to play for a couple of years but I've never been organized enough to get her signed up in time, but last fall I got all of the information and the sign-up dates for spring so here we are. Lucky for me, this first game is at 1:30 in the afternoon. Next week however, we have to be at the field across town at 7:30 in the morning! Yikes!

We'll be taking pictures today, and some video if we can pull it off. We don't have a video camera but we have a camera that takes video (that sounds weird) and my new cell phone takes 30 second video clips. I'll post pictures if I get anything good.

Matt is coming to the game but Jake has agreed to help someone move. We've also got grandparents and an aunt and uncle coming. How fun. I'm still having problems with being a 'soccer mom' though. I've been a football mom for years and am totally comfortable with that, but being a soccer mom evokes thoughts of mini-vans and cheerful normalcy - I have neither going for me. I never think of my family as normal, even if we are. The parents of these girls seem so different from us, like we're not part of their club. There's one mom that, I swear, shouldn't be allowed to have caffeine or sugar. She's so hyper, she talks a mile a minute, and she's one of those people that 'one ups' everything you say. If something good happened to me, something better happened to her. If something bad happened to me, something worse happened to her. What is up with people like that? It's one thing to tell your story, it's quite another to say something like, "That's okay, once I ....." or "That's nothing, last week I ..." Weird.

Enough of the weird thoughts - it's off to the soccer fields.


  1. I agree with you about the one ups. What about those people who you tell, "I have a headache" and they say, "You know, I have a headache too" instead of feeling sorry for you, they have to put it off on themselves!
    Good luck with dealing with that mom. I'm sure she will be a source of some posts in the future!

  2. I've talked to her at three practices and she's annoying every time. Luckily, I didn't have to talk to her at the game today!


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