Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Normally, we would spend Easter with the hubby's family (they have a bunch of little girls so it makes hunting eggs more fun) and spend Thanksgiving with my family. The last year has been a little weird though. We spent last Easter and Thanksgiving with my family - I have no idea why we would do such a thing - so we were supposed to go back to the traditional holiday schedule this year. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

The hubby's family celebrated a week ago because his grandparents were going out of town for a motor home rally or something like that. I thought, "Hey, we can spend Easter with my family." Can I just say, this isn't a good idea? Okay, I've said it.

Last year, all one of my aunts could talk about was how bad a mother the EX-daughter-in-law was and how horribly she did everything and how much she hated her... Can we get anymore white trash? It's EASTER! My grandmother is very religious so this was NOT the appropriate conversation for the day but my aunt just kept on going. I vowed never to attend another holiday with her. Then we went there for Thanksgiving. I love my Grandma and the dinners are at her house so I just had to go.

This year for Easter though, we stayed home. I made a ham and garlic mashed potatoes. I made asparagus, which only the boys and I ate. I made Jell-O eggs, which everyone but Jake ate - because five years ago my mother-the-vegetarian told him how they make gelatin, he hasn't eaten it since - thank you very much. (I love you, Mom.)

We sat at the table like an actual family for two meals today! We made pancakes and eggs for breakfast. Yum. Everyone chipped in with the cooking and cleaning. It was a great day.

Teaser for Tomorrow: I think the old man who lives across the street from me may be dead in his house... I'll have time tomorrow to tell the whole thing, so check back!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy being at my home or my parent's home for the hoildays. I'm not the "out to eat" for the holidays type of person, but I did it yesterday for the first time. The food was great, but I would have rather been at home. Lucky you!


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