Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Riots on the Home-Front

Today there was kicking and crying at my house. You could almost call that an accomplishment since it's normally worse than that, except today it made me downright angry.

Why can't they be nice to each other? Why is that so difficult? I ask them but they never have anything to say except, "Well if he/she didn't...."

For some reason, the boys believe that it is their God given right to torture their sister with words. Lindsay, on the other hand, believes that she has license to kick, hit, throw things, and scream bloody murder.

Is it sibling rivalry? Is it that she thinks she's the princess?

I don't know. Someday it will be quiet in our home, but they will be all grown up and it will feel empty.

Why can't they just love each other, the big jerks?


  1. This is, unfortunately, normal.
    When I had Ashley, I didn't think there would ever be fighting because she and her brother are seven years apart. I thought, "What could they possibly fight about"?

    Boy, was I wrong!

  2. I too have 2 children who are 7 years apart and the oldest is sharp with the tongue, while the youngest is sharp with her hands! They will be the best of friends when they are older. A friend of mine guarantees it. 3 kids all 7 years apart. Fought like cats and dogs! Now the best of friends. Woohoo! Can't wait till it happens!


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