Sunday, July 20, 2008


Oh, have MERCY! I've been reading about BlogHer for months now and it never meant much to me because, well... My blog is a baby? Yeah, that's it. I had no idea what it was all about and I had no interest in meeting all of the mommy bloggers out there because I wasn't one of them.


I may not be popular, I may not have but a handfull of readers and not even begin to understand Technorati ratings and all that stuff, but I read many of the women who are at BlogHer right now.

I wanna be part of it all!


  1. If you went to Blogher, you wouldn't be posting while you were there! I have to someone who's not there that I can read!! :) Besides they should read your blog, your blog's pictures are gorgeous and you are interesting!

  2. Awwwww, how sweet. Thank you!


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