Saturday, June 7, 2014

"Motivation" is the word of the day... HAHA Not!

With everything that's been going on, I'm still smoke-free.  It's been 78 days.  I think I may have even given up the need for an e-cig, though that's still in a trial period.  The last time I used it was sometime last week and then I washed it in my capri's...  Needless to say, the water killed the battery.  :-(  Booh!  I would buy another one, but I can't afford to right now, and if I don't need it, then why bother?

On a crappier note, I'm not feeling very well these days.  It's not entirely the emotional stress, though I'm sure that doesn't help.  My head and neck ache all the time, my jaw is sore, I'm exhausted, and I have awful heartburn.  Lying in bed doesn't help because it makes my neck light on fire, sitting makes my back hurt, and I'm too tired to do anything else.  Today is a lazy day - movies on tv (we're even too lazy to pick a DVD to watch), breakfast was microwaved Malt-o-meal (not very good - do yourself a favor and don't microwave it), lunch was canned soup and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and dinner...  who knows.  Rice with something?  Burgers or hot dogs?  I don't even care.  I'm kind of down in the dumps, not looking forward to anything right now, and wishing I could just stay in my bed for the next two weeks.

Two weeks...  Matt will be home in about two weeks.  I am looking forward to that.  He'll be here for 10 days or so, and then off to a Naval Air Station for a week of training.  He'll head back to Japan and have just under a year left to serve.  Fingers crossed, anyway.  So I'll get out of bed in two weeks to play with my family - picnics at the lake, bbq's in the back yard, family dinners, maybe even a July 4th big family thing.  Ugh, that means I have to ask someone to have it at their house.  No fun.  :(

Well, shit.  I have all kinds of depressing journal-like crap to say.  Such is life.

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