Friday, February 1, 2008

Eating Healthy?

I am a fraud. There, I've said it. First let me say that I went to Sunflower Market after I got off work today, bought some of their glorious meatloaf (again), fingerling potatoes and some miniature zucchini squash - all for a great dinner. I say I'm a fraud because I don't generally shop at Sunflower Market and, while I really like the place, it's just not my thing. I normally shop at Safeway. They have a minuscule organic section and I never buy any of it. I don't care for most whole-grain, organic, really-good-for-you foods. I buy Hamburger Helper for those nights that are going to be absolutely insane because it's quick and easy. I normally buy 70% lean beef in big packages because it's cheaper that way, I buy iceberg lettuce, for heavens sake because it's cheap! Even though I normally buy wheat bread and deny my kids sugared cereals, I'm not a health nut. I only made the bread and cereal switch a year ago because my daughter was getting a little belly on her and I was trying to make small changes towards healthy eating. Healthy being - pop tarts and donuts aren't supposed to be breakfast foods (that doesn't mean that I don't buy them), soda does not have to be stocked regularly, chips are not an after school snack.

My parents are vegetarians; they made the switch from carnivores when I was between the ages of 13 and 15. My mom never really taught me how to cook meat so I struggled through the first few years of marriage to figure out how not to make leather out of steaks or hockey pucks out of hamburgers. However, my parents' health kick didn't rub off on me. Not that I'm a meat and potatoes only person, I like hummus and sometimes I'll even eat tofu.

I think lots of people are like me. We want to eat healthy, but either don't have the money or time to devote to organic, made from scratch, back to basics cooking.

1 comment:

  1. The good thing is you can make chili and soups on the weekend and then just heat them up when you want.
    I buy iceberg lettuce also, but I do not think $1.35 is cheap.


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