Sunday, December 30, 2007

Holiday Party

My husbands company held their 'Holiday Party' on December 29th. It was in a restaurant in Old Town here in Fort Collins. Even though he's been with them for over a year, he doesn't know very many people and these functions always start off slightly uncomfortable for us. Since I'm really shy around people I don't know and my husband is generally quiet in large groups, we nearly always keep to ourselves at these things. This year we talked with a few people then got a drink and sat down at a table by ourselves. Just before dinner was served, a couple that the hubby knows asked if they could sit with us. The evening was a lot of fun thanks to them. We chatted about school since the woman we were sitting with is working on her Masters degree and the hubby and I are working on our Bachelors. We talked about kids and travel and work. It was a great night.

The company buys several moderately priced gifts to give away by drawing names during the party. There were things like a portable DVD player, a digital photo frame, and a 19" plasma screen television. The hubby's name was drawn for a digital camera and printer dock. The funny thing is that I'd asked him before Christmas what he wanted and he said he wanted a new camera! How nice is that?

I just love it when a party ends up being satisfying rather than stressful. When you walk away from that type of event it's nice to think that it was time well spent. Both our company parties were like that this year. Both were spent talking to nice people, laughing and enjoying the atmosphere.

I hope tonight's party is the same. There are supposed to be 20 or 30 people there, most of whom we know; we'll have the opportunity to get to know them all a little better.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you went, enjoyed it, and won something! We didn't have any parties to attend!


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