Monday, February 27, 2012

No Motivation - For Anything

Sick. I hate being sick. Jake gave me a cold when he came over eleven days ago, I got sick nine days ago, and I still have the cough and chest congestion. It's getting old. And I'm wearing down. I was falling asleep on the couch last night at 8:30 and held out until 9 so I could send Miss Lindsay to bed - or insist she get in it. I crawled into my own bed and passed out.

I talked to a Navy Mom last night that attends the same grad program I'm in. She suggested I drop my second class this semester because I'm so worn down that I can hardly keep up with the one class I'm in. I'm not sure what that would do to my schedule since I really only have two years to finish school. I have a meeting with my advisor tomorrow and I'll talk with her about it then.

I got to Skype with Matt on Saturday night for an hour. It was a nice easy conversation and it made my world just right. I miss him a lot, but it's easier to handle when I get to see his face and have those lazy talks.

I haven't felt like cooking much for the past week - ever since Mike and Jenn were here and I was too sick to make them enchilada's. It's kind of depressing not to be able to cook for your friends. The only plans I have for dinner this week are skillet lasagne and burgers. I guess the week will look something like this:

February 27 - March 4, 2012
  • Monday - Ranch burgers with fries and carrots.
  • Tuesday - I'll be in class so I have no idea what they're eating.
  • Wednesday - Skillet lasagne with garlic bread while Lindsay and I watch the season premier of Psych!
  • Thursday - Canned soup, since Rob will be at darts and Lindsay and I aren't pickey.
  • Friday - Sunday - maybe I'll have some inspiration by then.
In the meantime, I have to buy small amounts of tropical fruit and some random leafy green veggies to feed the hermit crabs we bought Lindsay over the weekend.

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