Sunday, December 27, 2009

For You.... You know who you are!

It's been almost seven months to the day since I've posted. But you knew that already, right?

I won't cover everything that happened in the time since I disappeared, it's just too much. Some happy, some horrible - lets just say that life happens. I won't promise I'll post regularly either.

Well, here goes...

Merry Christmas! Ours was pretty good. I threw a party for the in-laws. There were 30 people and it was great. It was also a lot more work than I thought it would be however, if I do it again next year, I'll know what to expect and how to pull it off without as much stress.

My family celebrated at my mothers on Christmas Eve. My brothers and their wife/girlfriend (respectively) along with their children and my husband and kids all chipped in and bought my parents a new LCD television and my younger brother built a custom entertainment center. It was great. My parents hadn't bought a new television since the late '80's!

On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day my family was all together under the same roof. This is a big deal because Jake, the oldest, moved out of our home into an apartment in October. I miss him a lot but the quiet that replaced him is pretty nice too. You know I love you honey!

The kids left to go to the in-laws cabin up near Walden on Christmas Night, leaving my hubby and I alone for the weekend. We truly had no idea what to do with ourselves.

We have one last holiday gathering to attend. The annual New Year's Eve party held by our dear friends. I will certainly need it after the final three work days of the year have beaten me to a pulp.

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled upon your blog while I was aimlessly clicking from one blog to the next. I do that sometimes just to see what kind of interesting things people are talking about or doing. It's kind of entertaining to me when I have a few minutes to kill. I'm not sure what I was looking for but when I started skimming through your blog it struck a certain chord with me. First of all, I loved that you were so honest about your MIL. I have one of the evil sort too. Then, as I kept reading, I read that your son had died. I, too, lost a son. Not to SIDS, but to meningitis. As I kept reading, I felt like I was reading my own thoughts. Then I did the math and realized we were about the same age. I looked for a place to email you and couldn't find one so, I promise I'm not a creeper, but I wanted to introduce myself because I felt like we had so much in common. My name is Jenny. I recently started a blog. It's in a very rudimentary stage right now. But it's if you ever want to chat.


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