Today we watched Hudson Hawk, City Slickers, The Wedding Singer and Stargate. I even got some laundry done and went to the grocery store. I found some great recipes to try out in the next month and convinced my oldest son to come home and spend time with his family.
Matt is upset because I've asked him to do the dishes. He took out the trash earlier today and he thought, because it's one of his brother's chores, that Jake would have to do the dishes in exchange. No such luck. I didn't ask him to take the trash out... I just love it when we butt heads.
Jake just came home and doesn't know where his glasses are. He hasn't seen them in 13 days (since the New Years party) and he admitted to driving a car since then. He has a restriction on his license requiring him to wear his glasses. I grounded him for a week. I'm a little angry. First, he can hardly see without them and he refuses to wear them. Second, driving without them is illegal. Third, he lost them and didn't tell me. What a putz.
I don’t blame you for being mad. You’ll probably have to buy him a new pair and that will be expensive especially if he is due for an exam also.