Today is the last day of my holiday schedule at work, meaning that I’m back to work on a regular basis – bummer. Tomorrow I have to start finalizing the books at work so that we can give them to the accountant. This is a long process; it takes weeks and is truly no fun. I’ve also discovered that I have a class starting in a week. I completely forgot that I’d signed up for this class and I haven’t even gotten my book yet. Because I attend Regis University’s College for Professional Studies, I have either 5 or 8 week long classes that meet one night a week for four hours, are online, or are guided independent study. The class that I have coming up is Psychology of the Family and meets once a week. I have a minimum three page paper due the first night of class, I haven’t read the chapters and I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. I always feel that way at the beginning of the year and before a class starts.
I woke up this morning with a horrible headache. I’d like to blame it on the aforementioned stress, but it was more likely the alcohol I drank last night while we were ringing in the New Year. I didn’t drink enough to get drunk, but apparently it was enough to induce the mother of all headaches. The party, which was more of a gathering than true party, was a lot of fun. We got to know Jake's girlfriends parents better; they are very nice people that are easy to talk to and fun to play poker with. There was a family there that we only know from football functions that we really enjoyed spending time with, and a family that we haven’t seen in a couple of years. It was really enjoyable and I’m so glad we went.
Your class sounds brutal. Kudos to you for going for it!