Friday, January 11, 2008

Finances, Worry and Faith

I made another 'plan' for this year after I talked to my cousin a couple of weeks ago. I though about it a lot and decided it was a very good idea. I'm going to try to be more financially responsible.

So you understand where I'm coming from, let me explain. I'm a bookkeeper, have been for over 10 years now. Every day I go to work and cut paychecks, pay bills, write invoices, balance the checkbook, etc. I used to be obsessive about a neat checkbook at home too, but like those people that won't eat at fast food restaurants they've worked for, I couldn't bear to write another check in the checkbook, or even balance it. I know that sounds terrible, and heaven forbid my boss find that out about me, but I just couldn't do it. It's been two or three years since I kept a check register. To make matters worse, the hubby and I make just enough money to pay the bills, buy groceries and put gas in our cars, so over drafting checks isn't something we can easily afford. Oddly enough, I keep a very detailed budget that lists everything from house payments to groceries, gas and braces payments, each of which I check off when it's paid or spent.

This last Monday, I grabbed a check register out of my desk drawer and put it in my purse. During my lunch hour I got online and wrote down every debit transaction and check that we've written this year. I am once again, obsessive about our finances. Next week we both get paid and student loans come in, so we will be able to pay the mounting bills. For some reason, companies like Xcel Energy (our natural gas provider) like to get paid, especially when monthly bills start to hit $160. Remember folks, it's been pretty cold here in Northern Colorado. For the first time in years I will feel up to the challenge and not panic when I wonder how much money we really have in the bank.

I've had to work this past week on balancing not only our finances, so we can make it through to this coming payday, but my desire to not worry so much. I've done a pretty good job so far - I'm actually impressed with myself. I remind myself of the words of a friend, "...focus on faith. You know you're being taken care of, so what's to worry about." Spoken as a statement of fact, not a question. I keep saying that to myself.

1 comment:

  1. After I leave this comment, we will be balancing our checkbook for the month. The only difference between me and you is that I DO balance my checkbook every month and have for years. I have to know how much money we have at all times or it drives me insane. That’s the worrier in me. I think you will feel better now that you have taken the reins again.


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