I have a close friend who's going to Holland next week. She works for a large company here in Fort Collins that sells and services their products internationally. Her boss decided that she should attend their upcoming conferences so that she would be better skilled at her job. Lucky dog. She leaves tomorrow morning for Houston and will be back on Friday. Saturday morning she leaves for Holland. The flight is 22 hours long; with the time difference and time to switch planes in Seattle, she'll get on a plane at DIA (Denver International Airport) at noon on Saturday and land in Holland around 7 on Sunday morning. She'll be gone until the following Friday.
She has a international work cell phone so she'll be able to call her family - and if I'm lucky - ME. I talk to her every day after work so I'll be feeling quite left out if she and I can't talk for nearly two weeks. We met six years ago when she lived a block away from me and our boys, well, did something stupid together. Just little boy stuff. Anyway, we found out where her son lived and my husband 'tattled' on him, we just wanted to make sure he got in the same trouble the other boys who were there got into. We've been friends ever since. We had both been in admin positions for several years; she worked for a (different) large company and I was working for my tiny company. We joked that she was the Exectuive Admin to the Vice President of Global Marketing while I was the Executive Admin to the President of my company. Her company - hundreds (if not thousands) of people. My company - 10 people.
I've got several close friends - not all of them are local. I love to talk to them on the phone, chat on front porches, and even email to keep in touch. I'm sure I'll talk more about them in the future.
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