Saturday, January 5, 2008


I'm not big into resolutions, but this year I thought I'd be daring. I'm going to try to think positively.

For example:
  • My car continues to deliver satisfactory performance.
  • I've lived in the same house for almost seven years now.
  • I've had the same job for over eight years.
  • I continue to excel in school.
  • My children are healthy, happy and active.
  • I've been married to a wonderful man for almost 17 years.
  • I have great friends.

I'm going to continue, with the help of one of my great friends, to think positively. She's sharing some books on the subject with me. If I find them to be of great value, I'll post them.


  1. I need to work on this myself! Good for you :)

  2. That's a great resolution! It's one I share with you. Have you ever heard talk show host Dennis Prager? He has "The Happiness Hour" on his show every Friday. It's wonderful! He has a book I want to buy, Happiness Is a Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual. One of the big points he always makes is, you should not feel guilty for being happy or wanting to be happy. We should be happy, and it's a choice.


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