Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ho Hum...

It wasn't such a great day. I yelled at the hubby this morning about work and school and kids and God knows what else. Then I went to work with a queasy stomach and was immediately tossed out on my butt. Really though, I made it about an hour before my boss couldn't stand the sound of my coughing and moaning anymore.

There was mild excitement today, which is why I had to make it an hour. Someone quit - they didn't walk out but they did say they wouldn't be coming back on Monday. That means a bunch of paperwork - not a bunch really, just two letters, possibly a third tomorrow. We have to offer the Colorado Continuation Plan (because our company is too small to offer COBRA) and we require an exit physical of any field employee that leaves. So J has jumped ship finally, maybe there will be less grumbling - but I will miss him, we had nice conversations and we never had any problems between the two of us.

When I got home I was hungry but even crackers were making me sick to my stomach. I felt bad about yelling this morning and even worse that I was taking a day off (even if I was forced) after being such a grouch about work to the hubby . I tried to watch a movie for a little while and then slept on the couch all afternoon. I would love to do the same tomorrow but it's payday and I'm the one who does the paying. Maybe I'll get lucky and work half a day, I doubt it seriously, but a girl can dream, right?

But Saturday is coming - glorious Saturday. It marks the start of a weekend, days in which nothing is really expected of me, where I can sleep until 10 and no one will think poorly of me. I can stay up until midnight without thinking constantly about the few hours of sleep I'll be getting... I love the weekend. This one will be a couch/TV/movie weekend - with some laundry thrown in for good measure.


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