For the past three years I've been a member of an online book club. Monday through Friday I get part of a book so that by Friday I've read about the first two chapters. I've signed up for Fiction, Mystery and Audio Books. To be honest, I haven't really been able to find the time to read the book part for months, but I do read the column that precedes it each day. If you'd like to check out the site and see if it's something you'd like, go to Dear Reader.
That being said, I love to read. I'm not working on anything specific at the moment... mostly because I lost interest in the book I was reading and haven't picked up anything new. I've glanced through a few, read the first chapter of a couple, but nothing is really keeping my attention these days.
I went to the library yesterday and picked up a book on positive thinking, the ACT study guide for Jake, a book on organization (because my life is a mess) and six or seven cookbooks. I love cookbooks. They're my weakness. Once, eight or so years ago, a woman knocked on my door and before she could say a word I told her that I wasn't interested in buying any magazines. Before she could speak I told her that if she'd been selling cookbooks, I'd buy, otherwise - have a nice day. Was I surprised when she pulled two cookbooks out of her bag, smiled, and said that she must have the right house. I bought both of them. I'm so sad.
It sounds to me like she was meant to stop at your house! My aunt collects cookbooks too.