Sunday, June 1, 2008

Maturity. Not mine though!

I was doing a little blog browsing when I came across a blog that had this entry. I nearly died. Go on, take a peek - I'll wait.

My daughter is having the very same experience. As a matter of fact, I just bought her two sports bra's. Now, these are really small and meant for little girls, but they do 'hide' (?) what's going on under her thin summer shirts. I even bought her a few pairs of little 'boy cut' underpants that match.

She's growing up. There's nothing we can do to stop it. God, help us all!


  1. Am I odd that it doesn't bother me to see my children grow up? I love the stages they go through. I would hate to stuck in the terrible 2 forever, or the sassy 7's. Yikes. Can't wait to read more of what I get to look forward to. Maybe I will change my mind!

  2. When my kids were the age yours are, I didn't mind them growing up either. Now? I'm dreading my oldest son leaving home in the next few years (one if he goes to a distant college, two if he goes to CSU), David worries me that he's not ready for high school, and well Ash... she's a girl and all of this is new for me.

    At your kids age there is something new around every corner but the really big changes are a ways off. Enjoy it.


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