Monday, June 9, 2008

Ski Resort To Open! - In JUNE?

Aspen Mountain has enough snow to open for skiing this weekend! It is unbelievable. I just thought I'd share that bit of information.

My weekend is over and work is waiting for me in the morning. I've tried to make this weekend productive - at least the very end of it. Lindsay and I cleaned out some cupboards and a closet today. It felt good but I don't have enough room in my trash tote to put everything out tomorrow.

While I made dinner tonight I also made potato salad for tomorrow night. I'd called my mom earlier in the weekend to get some tips for getting the potato texture just right. I always end up making mashed-potato salad and I really wanted to do it right. The trick, according to my great result, is to quarter the potatoes with their skins on and cook them to just done, run them under cold water and then cut them into the desired bite sized pieces. Not bad.


  1. Holy cow, snow?!? I guess if you are a skier that's great news. Cleaning cupboards, I'm waiting to do that in the summer. Since I'm working weekends I don't have my oldest when I need her around!

  2. I'm not a skier. I couldn't afford it if I wanted to be. My boys snowboard, but only on cheap school trips.


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