Monday, May 12, 2008

Not Quite Back In My Groove

My Mother's Day went well, I hope yours did too.

I made my own breakfast, but that's okay. My kids still think I always want scrambled eggs and they always get shells in them. A gave me a card she made in school with a three-dimensional teacup on it and a real teabag in it. It was some sort of spice tea and she's finding out from her teacher what sort of tea it was. Jake gave me a $25 Starbucks card. I haven't been there in a while so it will be nice to go again. Matt did homework all weekend and I consider that a fine gift.

I was a lazy bum today too. I did two loads of laundry. Since our dryer is on the fritz I've been hanging clothes outside and I feel like that was enough of an accomplishment. Oh, I made dinner too. I've been avoiding actually cooking dinner from scratch for a while, I don't know why. I made Spaghetti Carbonara because it's easy and the kids love it. Other than that, I've been working on an upcoming blog post that took me three days to put together.

I've felt good today, no headache, just a little stiffness in my neck. I think the only side effect I'm suffering from the Inderol is some mild dizziness, well, maybe some decreased energy too. I'll have to be careful when I drive.

Lindsay has stickers on all of her days so far. There have only been two school days since I started it but she is really excited about being ready on time. She's losing one of her teeth right now and she's afraid she will lose it in her sleep, and either swallow it or it will end up in her bed. She hasn't lost a tooth in a while so this seems new to her.

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