Saturday, May 10, 2008

An Icky Day

Today was not a great day.

We woke up at 7 and got Lindsay ready for her soccer game, minus the shin guards, socks and cleats. She wore flip flops and I wore sandals because it was supposed to be almost 60-degrees and I didn't think we'd freeze. We left the boys asleep and went to breakfast. This has become a ritual; we eat out either before or after the game because during football season, we eat out after every game and she deserves the same special treatment as her brothers. The hubby, Lindsay and I really enjoy this time together since there are normally one or both boys around to tease and taunt her. I took my new beta blocker with breakfast and prepared for the nasty side effects but it took hours for them to kick in.

When we got to the soccer fields, the wind was flowing off the mountains and it was ice cold. If the wind had stopped, the game would have been enjoyable. But no. My ears were sore when we finally were able to get in the car and my feet were ice.

My niece's first birthday was this afternoon and I did not make it. I was so tired, still in pain, and cold that I refused to move off the couch. I had some mild chest pain/discomfort earlier in the day and my toes fell asleep - yep, my toes. I also took another Vicodin this afternoon. This medication will be interesting.

Jake didn't go because he had just gotten back from a six mile run with The GF. They are training for the Bolder BOULDER, a 10K run that is held on Memorial Day, in Boulder (like you couldn't have figured that out yourself), every year. Jake is nuts. He's a football player and they are known for their strength, not their stamina. When they got back he took a shower and then they went out to lunch. I'm sure it's much more fun to have lunch with your girlfriend than it is to watch your one year old cousin smear cake all over her face.

Now, at the end of my day, I had enough energy to call up my mom and get ready for bed. I've read all about the potential side effects of the medications I got and am really disturbed with the unexplained weight gain that is possible. I've lost weight over the past 10 months and I would like to continue since my first real goal is now only 33 pounds away. It will be interesting to see what happens to my weight over the next month.

Sorry to complain so much.

1 comment:

  1. If nothing else, at least you had time with your daughter at breakfast :) There will be other birthdays. I hope you don't get sick from being in the cold.


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