Because I just can't get this dream out of my head, I'm telling you - as if that will make it better?
Last night, or early this morning (whatever works for you), I had a dream in which my right ankle had many (as in like five or six?) IVs in it. They were all inserted and then taped down as if there would be some use for them all later and I get the impression that they were for pain medication. Weird, I know.
I also had a shunt in my chest and had an IV bag filled with fluid hanging up and dripping in. Then - this is where it gets creepy(er) - they started me on chemotherapy.
Then, I woke up.
My right ankle was sore, it was in pain but I couldn't tell why. It wasn't stiff, there were no cats on the bed, it wasn't wrapped in blankets or sheets. It just hurt, badly.
I can't get this out of my head because it was really creepy.
That IS creepy and I don't blame you for being a little freaked out.