Sunday, March 16, 2008

General Malaise

I've been having a tough time in the last couple of days. I've been thinking a lot about losing Michael and what other parents go through. I've tried to find blogs written by those who've lost children to SIDS but it's not happening. Miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss of various causes... I feel for these parents, I cry when I read about their losses, but it's not the same as connecting with another SIDS parent. I know that sounds strange.

In other news, I'm feeling against a wall with classes but that's nothing new. I always feel pressured. I'm supposed to start a class on Tuesday night but I'm going to call the school and find out if I'd be in any trouble if I dropped it - I'm thinking I won't be but you never know. I have enough on my plate right now. Somehow, it feels as if I'm always saying that.

The kids are on spring break now so they will be home annoying each other or out with friends - annoying the friends parents! How lucky am I that I have to work? VERY! I love 'em, but they need to be occupied, have places to go and people to see. The Girlfriend is in Mexico this week so Jake is in withdrawal. Matt has, once again, glued himself to his computer and is working on his site. Lindsay started soccer practice last week but she has this week off - what a bummer for her.


  1. The Girlfriend being in Mexico means you don't have to worry about them while you are at work! That's always a good thing!

  2. You're right, and it's nice that he has some time to spend with other friends.


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