Saturday, March 29, 2008

And Now My Boys

World, Jake and Matt. Jake and Matt, World.
Matt is on the left. Jake is stuffing his face on the right.

This picture was taken after a football game last fall - with my old cell phone. Sorry the quality sucks.


  1. Isn't it hard for you to believe that you gave birth to these now full-sized men!
    Even blurry, I can tell they are both very good looking :) I bet you have to deal with silly girls all the time!

  2. You know, I just don't feel old enough to have these guys. *I* think they are good looking - thanks!

    You know, we have The Girlfriend, (who recently consented to a picture, now I have to take one) who belongs to Christopher but David hasn't started dating yet - which is fine with me. So - we only have the one girl right now. :)


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