Yeah, the weeks that make you want to curl up in a ball and cry, that leave you feeling vulnerable and weak. And I lived through it... without smoking.
I'm shocked, really. I did a couple of things I was worried about. First, I talked on the phone with a couple of friends. I wandered around just like I would have done when I was smoking, but without a cigarette. It was only a little strange to not light up, and it was fine. The second thing was to drive a distance (rather than just around town or to school) and I still didn't smoke. Might have had a little to do with the drives being in the morning, but whatever. I didn't smoke.
I also told everyone. I told my SIL a few weeks ago and she brought it up at Easter so all of my in-laws know. I also "told" everyone I know on FB. I've been posting a number for each day I'm smoke-free. Yesterday I posted a No Smoking symbol with a 31 on top of it. Everybody knows now so I will disappoint a bunch of people if I start again. I don't want to start again. I haven't smoked 316 cigarettes and I've saved around $100. I'm hoping I start to feel that money saved. :)
No idea what's got me this far. Maybe it's stubborn determination? I guess I don't care. My husband and I are now smoke free and someday I won't be pissy about it.
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