Thursday, January 8, 2009

Teen Torture

Oh, for the love of God! My sons are both back in Spanish 1 (don't ask) and IN THE SAME CLASS! They will no doubt torture the poor woman who teaches it, Mrs. H.

Matt joined Jake for the first time today and already they are making Mrs. H crazy. Matt was given a list of class expectations to bring home and have his dad or me sign but they filled it out and Jake signed it in the parent or guardian spot. Mrs. H tried to argue with them but decided it was was no use (smart move). Then Jake complained the whole period about how Matt was distracting him and bet Matt that he'd end up sitting front row center within a couple of weeks. After class, Jake told Mrs. H that she should move Matt to the front because that's where he needs to be - and she told him that she would.

Poor Matt never had a chance - and neither did Mrs. H.

This is the first - and will be the last - class that Jake and Matt have ever been in together. There's a reason for that.


  1. Ha. I swear if Christopher gets a behavioral contract I WILL kill him. Is there any way one of them can switch classes

  2. No, they can't be moved. I've threatened both of them though, and they aren't sitting next to eachother anymore.


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