Friday, April 18, 2008

More Random, Because It's Fun

I've been trying to get some reading done, and I'll be damned if anyone will leave me alone for more than 30 seconds at a time! I read about half a page and someone asks a question, the phone rings, and dinner burns. I realize it's too late to continue the charade of reading so I put the book away for the next day. I got to read some at lunch today - outside under the mock apple tree at work - until I remembered that it buzzes with a thousand bees and wasps this time of year. I don't do stinging creatures. I'm terrified of them. So I went inside and was promptly noticed by my boss who thought it was time for me to work again - my lunch 'hour' was apparently cut down to a lunch '45-minutes' today. No biggie, I leave him high and dry almost every Friday afternoon. Even trade.

Speaking of being terrified of something, is anyone else afraid of spiders? I realized a week or so ago that I would rather not be knowingly within 10 feet of a spider. I left work last week and walked out to my car in the parking lot. I opened up my back door to put my bag (had to show you because it's cute and handy) on the back seat, when a HUGE, HAIRY SPIDER crawled across the seat. EEK! Now, I don't really like to kill something just because it's scary. I'll kill a mosquito because they'll bite (and three of my family has had West Nile Virus), a fly because they're dirty and nasty, but spiders serve a purpose and they aren't out to hurt me. I tried to whisk him out of the car but he kept hanging on or jumping back in! I killed him because I just couldn't stand the thought of driving along with him in the back seat. So, I'm terrified of spiders and I'm a spider killer. So sad.

Jake got a job a few weeks back. He's working for the best ice cream place I've ever been - Cold Stone. They have a Coffee Lovers Only creation that is to die for and he brought me a half gallon of it! Now that's love, people. I eat two scoops every third or fourth night and have banned anyone else from touching it. If you've got a Cold Stone in your area, go - run - and get some. Now! Go!


  1. I feel for your spider fear. I do not like spiders in small enclosed spaces, such as a car! When my husband and I were 1st together, his Saturn was infested with them. Neither of us new this until I had enough and bug bombed the car. Every night for 2 months I would drive home in the dark and see them run across the windshield. It was the coldest summer ever, driving with the AC on full blast. After the bombing you have to wipe everything down and I found 2 nests. Ugh! It was like a spider love shack. Gives me shivers still thinking about it! Also, they "may be" helpful but if they are hungry or pissed off they will bite you.

  2. Your bag is very cute indeed! If that picture is a true representation of what was in your back seat, I would have had no qualms about killing it. There is no way I would drive down the road with Mr. Furry in my back seat! Think if it had crawled up your leg! Now, I would worry about it laying egg sacks. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that!
    We have a Cold Stone near us but have never been. Their website makes me want some now. I can’t believe they have bowls made of a waffle cone!

  3. That's a pretty good likeness - except it was, oh, the size of a dime, maybe a bit bigger.

    I think the spider got in that afternoon because I'd left my windows open, but now that everyone's mentioned eggs, maybe it's time to clean out the car really good. :)

    Go to Coldstone - you will not regret it!


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