This is hail. It rained and hailed really hard for about an hour this afternoon. So, the season starts... it will rain, sleet, hail and we'll have generally miserable weather until about June. The pools won't be warm until sometime in early July and then we'll have 90-degree days that are miserable. I know, I'm a wimp. But how's this for suckey - I have neither heat nor a/c in my car. I'm miserable in the winter and in the summer.
Speaking of my car, also referred to as the money-pit-from-hell, it needs about $500 in repair work done. Well, I'm done. I'm not fixing it any more. Almost two years ago I put a used engine in it to the tune of $1,800. Six months later we dropped another grand into it. I've put two new sets of tires on it in the last year because of a problem that we thought was the bearings. Now we're finding out that it's not the bearings at all, it's a much more expensive problem!
The good news is that I think I've found a '75 Beetle that I might be able to afford. OMG - I've wanted one of these for almost 20 years! I'm hoping to be able to come up with the money but if all else fails, I've now got a car dealership stalking me, trying to get me to buy a car. I even told them that my credit sucks but they have a 'creative financing' department - right... that means they will charge me 30% interest. I don't think so.... Or maybe I do. I'm hoping the beetle thing works out because the last thing I want is to pay $15,000 for a $7,000 car!
I told my boss about the beetle this afternoon as I was leaving work and told him how much I love them. He said that he'd had one that he sold! I never knew that. I wish I had. Or maybe not since he is my boss and if something had gone wrong it would be really uncomfortable.
I wrote two of the six papers I have due Tuesday in my Intimate Relationships class. I feel really good about it since that's two papers in two days. One of my papers is actually going to be a collage - yeah, scissors, construction paper, glue, and a Cosmo magazine. I kid you not, this teacher actually likes it when you do something artsy. Go figure. I may even go crazy and do two collages! We'll see.
I'm starting to have some physical symptoms of stress. Whenever something mildly stressful happens, I get a lump in my throat - as if I were about to cry, except I don't feel like crying. My head feels like it's stuffed with cotton most of the time and my stomach is a mess. I have 6 days until I'm done with the relationship class and 18 days until I'm done with this semesters online classes. I'm hoping all these symptoms go away. Until then, I'm living in denial. Next semester I'm taking Behavioral & Stress Management (how's that for ironic) and Family Violence. They are the 5-week-1 and 5-week-3 sessions so I'll have 5 weeks off in between them - thank heavens!
Think positive thoughts for me - I'm trying to work some Power of Attraction for myself. If only I could get past the general drain on my brain.
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