Thursday, April 16, 2020

So Tired!

I am exhausted.  I'm not sleeping well and the eyestrain from seeing clients via a telehealth platform is painful.  I have more headache and neckaches than I've had in years.  I've been trying to eat regularly, keep water near me all the time (and drink it), and I've been trying to do fun things so I don't feel like every Monday - Thursday is hell.

I've bought several fun movies on Prime and Xfinity.  I've been reading about cruises and watching YouTube videos from the ship we're sailing on...  wait, I didn't mention.  We're going on a cruise!!!!!  It's in two years so we have time to pay for it.

Not only am I not sleeping much, I have nightmares.  Last night I dreamed that randomly the whole world just lost the oxygen and we all were suffocated for a short time, and then we could breathe...  like we were some gigantic toy or experiment because it kept happening!  So I'm stressed in my sleep and stressed when I'm awake...  never ending cycle.  Fun story to tell my therapist, right?

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