I LUUUUUUUVE me some teenagers. Girls, really. I love the anger that comes off of them in waves, the snide comments, the one or two word responses... you know, the typical teenage girl. Everything in her life is just horrible, she's lived through awful things, and she will never recover because people who struggle like she has just don't ever live normal lives! (facepalm) How dare I say anything about distracting herself when she gets sad/frustrated or going to spend time with a friend, because nothing will help - certainly not her mother!
I am trying to learn, very quickly, not to let her anger hurt me. I need thicker skin, STAT!
The other super-cool thing that happens in our house is that we have no idea when she'll get angry, withdrawn, snap at us, or just be generally unlikable. Don't get me wrong, I love and adore her, but some days I just want it to be peaceful. Those are generally the days that are anything but. It's three minutes till eight right now, and the angry one could emerge at any moment. She was here this morning - woke up like that - but was fine when she got home from school. Yesterday she was fine in the morning but something set her off around 7:30 so I'm kind of on edge here.
I'm trying to remember that many teen girls go through this, dare I say all of them? Nah, there have to be a few who are a breeze to raise, who don't challenge their parents authority, and who go to all their classes and do their homework... right? Well, I wasn't one of those, but I bet they exist. So if there are a tremendous number of girls who challenge their parents, why aren't they talking? Or are they like me, afraid to share the details with the world and have kept their posts in draft? Someday, when we're past this maybe, I'll share. Until then, this is for my eyes. Damn you Blogger, for not having a password function for individual posts!
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