I try to get dinner on the table between five and six every night but I swear, when I don't have a class to run off to, I just don't get it done in a reasonable amount of time. I make meal plans that include enough 'quick' recipes (whatever can be made, start to finish, in 20 minutes) and the rest are meals that take longer because we like it or it's yummy. Tonight is meatloaf and mac n cheese with cauliflower. It should have been nearly done by six but instead, it's 7:30 and we won't eat for another 15 minutes.
I guess the reason is that I'm rushed every other day, I want to relax and take my time. The reasoning is flawed. If I'd just made dinner the minute I walked in the door, even if it was time consuming, I'd still have all the time after dinner to veg-out. But there's no convincing a procrastinator.
The good news is that I'm done with my current training classes this weekend. The bad news? I have two classes starting next month. Two consecutive nights a week I'll be at school and have little time to get dinner going or even see my kids. Once I'm finished with the training I'm doing, I'll be volunteering six to ten, twelve-hour shifts a month. Hopefully that won't start until I'm done with my college classes for this semester.
I'd post this weeks meal plan, but I lost it. Guess it isn't doing me much good right now. Thankfully, I know what we're having tomorrow night. Jambalaya!
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