Sunday, July 6, 2008

Farmers Market

Matt and I stopped by the Farmers Market today right before they closed. We filled a big bag with veggies for $10. It's a pretty good deal. We bought beets, turnips, an onion ('cause I only needed one), zucchini, yellow squash, peas, green beans, carrots and cucumbers. The bag probably weighed 20 pounds. Too bad we don't eat cooked greens or we'd have lots more for our $10.

I happend to have some mangos and oranges on the counter when I took this picture - they didn't come from our local growers. :)

I'm excited to make a zucchini bake recipe I have. It's so decadent. It's got sliced or julienned zucchini, pepper jack cheese, eggs and bread crumbs in it. It is sooooo good. I'll have to find the recipe and post it. I think I got it from Food Network.

Tonight we are not making dinner. The hubby went fishing last night and cooked up his fish while D and I were out running errands, Matt got a sandwich from the Deli at Safeway, and I got a panini from the Spicy Pickle - don't ask.

I haven't come up with a plan for this weeks meals yet - I'm thinking there are going to be simple and even non-existent this week because Lindsay is gone, Jake works and spends time with The Girlfriend, and Matt has a friend from California in town this week. I could live on soup and sandwiches or salads.


  1. Wow, all that produce looks delicious! Sounds like you will have a lot less kitchen time this week! Lucky you! Enjoy it while you can.

  2. Zucchini bread is always yummy!


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