I was having a lazy Sunday, trying to figure out which movie I was going to watch next, when my phone rang. I happily jumped up to get it. I didn't recognize the number but it was local so I figured it was one of the kids friends.
The very beginning of the conversation is still a little fuzzy for me, I remember the woman saying her name (but I couldn't say what it was) and then said that my friend and neighbor Elle had been in a car accident. I screamed "What?!" at the poor woman. I didn't mean to scream, it just came out that way. She told me to calm down and then explained what she knew, which wasn't much, and near tears I asked if her kids were in the car with her. Thank God they weren't.
To make a very long story short, I made sure that Elle's kids were okay, called her boyfriend and explained what had happened and asked if he could come to Fort Collins since he lives four hours away, and went to the hospital to see how she was. Shortly after I was allowed in to see her she was released and I brought her home, got her settled, and offered to stay until the boyfriend made it down - she declined.
She is okay, just shaken and scared of the repercussions. I feel stupid because my whole body hurts and I wasn't the one who was in the accident. I must have been so tense for the five hours I was dealing with everything that I ended up stressing myself out.
I realized today just how much my friends mean to me. I have six or seven girlfriends that I call or spend time with on a regular basis. Three of those are extremely close to my heart and Elle is one of them. I also realized what a rock the hubby is for me. When I screamed at the poor woman on the phone, the hubby came out of the bedroom and asked what was wrong (the kids also gathered in the kitchen and hall to find out why Mom was being psycho). When I walked outside to escape them (and strangely, the bad news - but it didn't work) the hubby followed me and got the gist of the conversation. When I was off the phone trying to get dressed (because today was turning into a pajama day) he told me to calm down and told me I couldn't talk to her kids while I was crying and he insisted on going with me when I told them. I love him.
The good news is that no one died and no one has major injuries or even had to stay at the hospital. Also, Elle and I both learned that we depend on each other for more than an ear while having a Friday night drink. More - it's okay to depend on each other for those things.
You are a very good friend and it was great for her that you were available.