Monday, December 17, 2007

A little scary!

It had never occurred to me to start a blog. Other people have them, not me. I started reading a blog several weeks back and finally decided introduce myself via email - I was quick to point out that I didn't have a blog myself, I'm not talented enough or dedicated enough to maintain one. Anyway, she said I probably had plenty to write about and dedication shouldn't be a worry.

So here it is, my first blog entry.

I'm 35 years old. I have three children, two boys ages 17 and 15, and a 9 year old daughter. I've been married for 16 years to my high school sweetheart and we lead very busy lives. My husband works full time, I work part time, and we are both college students working on Bachelor's degrees. Hopefully we will graduate in the next couple, three, four years. We've already been at it for nearly five years now - we graduated with our Associates Degrees from a local junior college in December of last year and walked in commencement exercises in May.

Our kids are the source of most of our busyness. The boys play football for their high school. They've both played since they were in the 7th grade and are very dedicated. Our oldest, a junior, is now a double letterman and was chosen to the All Conference team this year. We are bursting with pride. :)

Our 15 year old son lettered in the sport this year too, he's a freshman attending junior high. He's actually our computer geek - well, so is his dad. He has a website that he's maintained for a year or so, he wrote the whole thing from code instead of using a template just because he could.

Our daughter is in third grade, loves to talk, aches to play soccer and the piano, and dreams of this coming summer when she will take horseback riding lessons. She seems to always have drama - she's a girl after all.


  1. Koddos ma,

    Im liking the blog. it lest me see a different side of you. You only forgot one thing, how amazingly beautiful i am and how much everyone would like to know me, and that i have an equally amazing girlfriend. Good job


  2. Your family sounds very interesting. I cannot wait to learn more :)


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