Friday, March 20, 2009

Which Ring?

My friend LJ asked me what the fifth ring of hell was. I've been using that phrase for a couple of years and I honestly don't know where I came up with it. So I looked it up.

The urban dictionary says it's the hell reserved for:
  1. Bad spellers
  2. People who drink decaf coffee...

Tee hee hee...

It's also from Dante's Inferno:

"Wrath and Sullenness (7-8) Like the fourth circle of hell, the fifth circle--presented in Inferno 7 and 8--contains two related groups of sinners. But whereas avarice and prodigality are two distinct sins based on the same principle (an immoderate attitude toward material wealth), wrath and sullenness are basically two forms of a single sin: anger that is expressed (wrath) and anger that is repressed (sullenness). This idea that anger takes various forms is common in ancient and medieval thought. Note how the two groups suffer different punishments appropriate to their type of anger--the wrathful ruthlessly attacking one another and the sullen stewing below the surface of the muddy swamp (Inf. 7.109-26)--even though they are all confined to Styx."

I'm not sure I quoted the right ring of hell... Maybe I did. I'll figure it out - now that I know where to find the descriptions of hell.

And how weird is that, since I don't really believe in hell...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Can you say fifth ring of hell? Yeah, that's what the last two days have been like at work. When something fails that I'm in charge of, it's all my fault - and I can't even blame him for thinking that!

Let's just say that I was actually in fear for my job.

It was that bad.

And I feel a little better now but I've decided some time off work is in order. I'm arranging myself a long five-day weekend where no one will wake me up saying, "Mom! I'm going to be late, can you give me a ride?" Yeah, that's not in my plans. Sleeping in until 9 is in my plans, watching too many movies on the couch is in my plans, maybe even taking my youngest son and daughter to the tennis courts is in my plans.

But you know all about best laid plans, right?